Tibet Horizon


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Tibet Horizon Advocates Responsible Travel

Everyone can benefit from traveling around the world. But have you thought about responsible travel before you leave for your destinations?


We are lucky that our world is incredibly diverse and filled with stunning natural landscapes, from lush forests and majestic mountains to serene beaches and vibrant coral reefs. When we witness the beauty of nature that can evoke a sense of awe, which will inspire us to appreciate and love our surroundings.

So, we always encourage all travelers to travel in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures and communities, and contributes to the social and economic development of the destination. By practicing responsible travel, we can help create a positive impact on the destinations that we visit, both for the local communities and ourselves.

Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple

How to practice responsible travel?

Before your tour, researching your destination to understand its culture, customs, and local issues will play a very important role in providing you with a happy and sustainable trip. First of all, familiarize yourself with the local customs, traditions, religions, and etiquette of the destination you’re visiting. Respect cultural practices, dress modestly when required, and learn a few basic phrases in the local language to communicate with locals, which will help you fit in the local community easily.

Try to reduce your carbon footprint by choosing your transportation ways. For long-distance travel, if you prefer to take a flight, try to choose direct flights, as takeoffs and landings contribute to a significant portion of carbon emissions. If time permits, choose eco-friendly transportation options such as trains or buses. However, it is just a short-distance trip, walking or cycling is the best way to enjoy your time and find interesting things on the road.

Minimize the impact on the local environment. It is for sure that traveling to another place will have an impact on the local environment. But there are ways for us to reduce the impact and make our trip more meaningful. Just respect the environment by leaving it as you found it.
1. Try your best to use public transport to get to places that don’t take much time. Make a good plan and you will enjoy the local public transport.
2. Always remember to carry a reusable water bottle, tote bag, and utensils to avoid single-use plastic items. Dispose of your waste properly, avoid littering, and participate in local recycling initiatives if available.
3. Be conscious of energy and water usage. Turn off lights, air conditioning, and other electrical devices when not in use. Limit your water consumption, especially in areas experiencing water scarcity.
4. Don’t throw your food waste into the trees and overboard. The process of food waste takes a certain time, which will definitely affect the environment. What’s more, the rotting food is very unfriendly to wild animals.
5. When hiking in the wild fields, always choose the existing path to avoid damaging the environment. Don't try to create your own trail when you have a choice.

Lhasa City

Lhasa City

When interacting with local people, you also need to understand the differences and avoid unnecessary conflicts.
1. It is for sure that you need to learn about the local culture and etiquette in advance, especially when visiting religious or conservative destinations. Dress modestly and avoid wearing clothing that may be offensive or inappropriate in the local culture.
2. Be mindful of photography: Always ask for permission before taking someone's photo, especially when photographing locals, religious sites, or cultural events. Some cultures may consider it disrespectful to be photographed without consent.
3. Respect local customs and traditions: Observe and follow local customs and traditions. For example, if there are specific rules or rituals when visiting temples or other religious sites, adhere to them. Show respect during religious or cultural ceremonies by following the guidelines provided.
4. Support local businesses: Contribute to the local economy by supporting local businesses, such as restaurants, shops, and artisans. This helps to promote sustainable tourism and benefits the local community.
5. Be open-minded and adaptable: Embrace cultural differences with an open mind. Be willing to adapt to local customs and practices, even if they differ from your own. Remember, you are a guest in their country, and showing respect is crucial.
6. It is not a good idea to give money, stationery, or candy to local children on the street even if you have heard things like that. It may be a way to lead to more begging behaviors, which is not good for the local community. But you can always participate in donation projects and support local charities.

Activities involving wild animals should be avoided. But if there are some in your tour, please take precautions as much as possible.
1. Before engaging in any wildlife activities, make sure that the tour operators and facilities adhere to ethical practices. Only look for organizations that prioritize animal welfare, conservation, and responsible tourism.
2. When encountering wildlife, maintain a safe and respectful distance. This will minimize stress and disturbance to the animals while allowing you to observe their natural behavior. Avoid getting too close, touching, or feeding wild animals, as it can disrupt their natural habitat and behavior.
3. Follow designated trails and guidelines: Stick to marked trails and follow the guidelines provided by park rangers or guides. These rules are in place to protect both visitors and wildlife.
4. Refrain from buying souvenirs or products made from endangered or protected species. The trade in such items contributes to the illegal wildlife trade and can drive species toward extinction.
5. Learn about the wildlife and ecosystems of the places you visit. Educate yourself and share your knowledge with others to promote responsible and sustainable travel practices. By spreading awareness, you can encourage others to treat wildlife with respect and consideration.
6. If you want to make an effort to protect wildlife, please look for opportunities to support local conservation organizations or projects.

Karola Glacier

Karola Glacier

Traveling is a personal choice, but it can be a transformative and enriching experience that allows us to grow, learn, and connect with the world around us. So, by practicing responsible travel, you will minimize your impact on the local environment and leave a positive footprint, which will give you a chance to enjoy meaningful and sustainable travel experiences.

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